Ohio State vs. Clemson vs. Tennessee vs. Georgia - CollegeSimply
Out of state tuition is 6.4% higher at Clemson than Ohio State University ($38,062.00 vs. $35,762.00) The typical actual cost that students pay to attend (average net price) is less at Ohio State University than Clemson ($19,582 vs. $24,577)
Ohio State Vs. Clemson Vs. Tennessee Vs. Georgia - CollegeSimply
1 week from now
Out of state tuition is 6.4% higher at Clemson than Ohio State University ($38,062.00 vs. $35,762.00) The typical actual cost that students pay to attend (average net price) is less at Ohio State University than Clemson ($19,582 vs. $24,577)
Clemson Vs. Georgia Vs. Ohio State - CollegeSimply
1 week from now
Out of state tuition is 32% higher at Clemson than University of Georgia ($38,062.00 vs. $28,830.00) The typical actual cost that students pay to attend (average net price) is less at University of Georgia than Clemson ($17,180 vs. $24,577)
Georgia Vs. Tennessee Vs. Ohio State Vs. Michigan - CollegeSimply
1 week from now
Out of state tuition is 2.4% higher at Tennessee than University of Georgia ($29,522.00 vs. $28,830.00) The typical actual cost that students pay to attend (average net price) is less at University of Georgia than Tennessee ($17,180 vs. $21,880)
Compare Ohio State University Vs. Clemson University
1 week from now
Out of state tuition is 6.4% higher at Clemson than Ohio State University ($38,062.00 vs. $35,762.00) The typical actual cost that students pay to attend (average net price) is less at Ohio State University than Clemson ($19,582 vs. $24,577)
Clemson Vs. UofSC Vs. Tennessee Vs. Ohio State - CollegeSimply
1 week from now
Out of state tuition is 13.5% higher at Clemson than University of South Carolina Columbia ($38,062.00 vs. $33,528.00) The typical actual cost that students pay to attend (average net price) is less at University of South Carolina Columbia than Clemson ($22,427 vs. $24,577)
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