6 ways to grow your superannuation bala…

1. Choose a low-fee, high-performing fund Superannuation fees eat into your returns, so the more you pay in fees, the less you'll have left when you retire. ...2. Salary sacrifice into your super ...

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The Tax-time Super Boost That Could Earn You $500 - ABC News

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Jun 13, 2023  · The matching rate is set at 50 per cent. That means if you earn under the lower threshold of $42,016, you'll need to add $1,000 of your own money to your super to get the …


FAQs about 6 ways to grow your superannuation bala… Coupon?

What should I do if I don't have a superannuation?

Consider a super salary-sacrifice arrangement disclaimer with your employer to boost your super and lower your taxable income. Consider increasing the life insurance included in your super, especially if you have a mortgage and/or dependants. Check that you've nominated a beneficiary for your superannuation/insurance benefits. ...

Do Australians understand how superannuation works?

A survey by the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia (ASFA) in 2021 found nearly two-thirds of Australians understood how superannuation works, and a majority (55 per cent) said they were happy with their current super fund. What’s the problem? ...

How can I Supercharge my superannuation?

Supercharge that super by following these few simple steps. Salary sacrificing allows you to benefit from tax concessions by kicking a portion of your pre-tax salary into super, so see if you can afford to forgo some of your salary each month and send it to super. ...

Should you put money into your superannuation fund?

Ms Morgan agreed that putting money towards superannuation was a good idea. “But superannuation is locked away til we retire in our 60s, so you need to consider that when deciding on how much extra you might want to contribute to your superannuation fund,” she said. ...

Do you need a financial planner to boost your super?

Remember the tax and super systems are complex and subject to change, and everyone’s financial situation is different. So before making any major changes make sure you speak to your financial planner. MLC, our super and investments specialist can give you more information on how to boost your super. Call 13 26 52. ...

Does Boosting Your Super add money to your final balance?

Boosting your super can add thousands to your final balance. Here's where to start When Daniel Quinn first started salary sacrificing, he put away what he could afford at the time which was $50 a fortnight. (Supplied) You check your super balance and it's not as high as you thought it was. ...

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