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Getting started with MissyCoupon is straightforward. Simply sign up with your email address, create a password, and you’re ready to start saving. Our website is designed with you in mind. The intuitive layout ensures that you can find what you’re looking for with ease, whether it’s the latest deals or specific store coupons. ...
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When user registers with MissyCoupons, user acknowledges that in using MissyCoupons programs to post, transmit, upload and download, or otherwise attempt to communicate in any way and/or forms, user will be causing communications to be sent through MissyCoupons’ computer networks. ...
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MissyCoupons is concerned about the safety and privacy of all its users, particularly children. For this reason, user under the age of eighteen (18) is not allowed to register and/or use MissyCoupons, its Program, or anything related to such provided by MissyCoupons. 4. MissyCoupons’ Privacy Policy ...
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MissyCoupons does everything within its power to preserve and protect user created contents including photographs, texts, and/or combination of such. However, MissyCoupons shall not be responsible for the loss of such information and/or user created contents whatsoever. ...
How does missycoupons notify users of changes in the TCU?
MissyCoupons will notify the user about significant changes in the TCU by sending a notice to the primary email address specified in user’s MissyCoupons account and/or registry or by placing a prominent notice on the MissyCoupons’ website. ...
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