Escaping the jaws of death: ensuring enough water in 2050
If you look at the business plans the water companies produce (and rather tragically I not only read them but like reading them) you will notice two things that they all have in common. First, they all identi… See more
FAQs about Escaping the jaws of death: ensuring enough water in 2050 Coupon?
When is the jaws of death?
And somewhere out along the timeline, usually around the 20/25 years from now mark, those lines cross. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the jaws of death – the point at which, unless we take action to change things, we will not have enough water to supply our needs. ...
Does Ofwat have a leakage reduction target?
And to a fair degree, they do: a significant number of companies have said they will meet Ofwat’s leakage reduction target of 15% by 2020, there are over 20 new water transfers proposed, plans for more regional cooperation between the water companies, and a range of large infrastructure plans, including two major reservoirs. ...
What is the 25 year Environment Plan?
One of the core goals of the 25 Year Environment Plan is clean and plentiful water. And in the plan the government made some important commitments: to increase water supply, incentivise greater efficiency and less personal use. To these ends the government has committed to press on with abstraction reform. ...
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